Private Martial Arts Training

Private Martial Arts Training

Proud MADE Affiliates

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Private Martial Arts Training

In addition to our comprehensive general fitness coaching services, we proudly offer exclusive private sessions catering to a range of martial arts disciplines including Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, Kickboxing, Krav Maga, and Self-Defense. These private lessons are designed for both adults and children who are either embarking on their martial arts journey or seeking to enhance their existing skills through personalized one-on-one instruction. Whether you're a novice or an experienced competitor, our private sessions are customized to align with your specific goals. They serve as an excellent complement to our group class instruction, allowing members to concentrate on honing particular techniques or addressing individual weaknesses in their practice. The benefits of our private program include flexibility to fit your schedule, an exclusive and focused learning environment, in-depth exploration of techniques, positions, and situations, and instruction tailored precisely to help you achieve your martial arts aspirations.