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Build a Better You: Join Our 5% In 5 Weeks Challenge

The 5% in Five Week Challenge is starting soon! The 5% challenge is a weight loss challenge starting on January 13th and ending on February 17th. If you would like to participate it is a $40 cash buy-in.

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How It Works

The $40 buy-in goes into a pot with the other participants' money. The goal is to simply lose 5% of your body weight in the five week period. If you reach your goal, you split the pot with the other participants that have reached their goal weight as well. If you do not reach your goal, you will lose your $40 buy-in.


Why Should I Sign Up?

Our dedicated team of instructors is committed to helping you reach your 5% goal. During the challenge, you'll get to personally experience the guidance and expertise that sets MADE Fitness apart from trainers elsewhere. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced athlete, our instructors tailor their approach to meet your needs. Regardless of reaching your goal, we have observed overall positive results from participation in this event.


What If I'm New to MADE?

During the same time period as the challenge, we have a New Client Special for anyone who has not been a member of MADE. New clients can join MADE with unlimited classes during the 5% challenge period for $100. The $40 will go towards the 5% buy-in. This will be, by far, the best deal of the year and a great way to get introduced to all of our great programs.

Ready to Take On The 5% Challenge?

Take the first step towards a healthier, stronger you by embracing the 5% Challenge at MADE Fitness and Training Center. Uncover the benefits of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, invigorating kickboxing classes, personalized kettlebell workouts, and dedicated personal training. Your fitness evolution starts here.

Let's get better together.

Sign Up Now